Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Logic gate, is it?

Digit system is a rather new field of electronics in the world more or less since the early 50's, which in turn will help increase the vocabulary instruction or microprocessor in the data processing task, both the hardware (in the internal circuit microprocessor) and software (microprocessor instruction is executed through programs or software). For example in software, the specific nature XOR, one-digit system of logic gates are adapted in order microprocessor is often used by programmers for the purpose of clearing certain registers (registers, variables in the microprocessor as input or output of the processor before or after the instruction executed). While emptying the register can be done with the commands seems more simple, such as' MOV CX, 0? (to empty the register CX), but in fact programmers more inclined to use the command 'XOR, CX, CX', because only two bytes shorter, while the MOV command uses three bytes. Efficiency! The discussion above uses language Assembler for 16bit processors whereas for 32bit processor. 'MOV ECX, 0? 'XOR ECX, ECX' The addition of the letter E in front of the name of the register explains that it is a command assembler for 32bit processors.

Logic gate, is it? for those skilled in electronics or informatics lessons must know the terms of logic gates, logic gates are often also called logic gates boolaen. The meaning is a basic processing system that processes the input in the form of binary numbers (0 / 1) into the conditioned output to be used in further processing.

Actually, this logic gate is the basis of processing all incoming and outgoing system on a computer. There are several kinds of logic gates, such as the following:

Type Logic Gate Type

1. AND gate

2. OR gate

3. NOT gate
4. NAND gate
5. NOR gate
6. Gate-XOR
7. Gate-XNOR

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